Working With You

We have a long time history with film so it’s in our blood, passed down through generations, rooted in a rich soil that is the foundation of EFS. Our history dates back to Erin’s father who moved to California 1936 working for Disney Studios in Burbank driving across from New York City after studying at the New York Art Institute—studying under Norman Rockwell who singled WW McGovern as an uniquely talented portrait artist. Erin’s father went from cartoonist to filming at the request of Walt Disney himself for 101 Dalmatians. When film became his passion, he went onto television and movies where stars, females stars in particular, commented on how he made them “look beautiful” capturing them on film in just the precise angle.
This talent and working in television and film was passed onto his children and grandchildren. Erin’s brother (see picture) one many awards in Hollywood, more than one Emmy for his work. Erin’s sons also became and were trained in film, Easton at just age 16, and went onto work on a major motion picture “Winters Bones” where Jennifer Laurence launched her career as it was filmed in the Ozarks where the Thiele family resided at the time and her son’s experience with US Presidents and The Discovery Channel.
Erin and Easton first launched eFilm Studios June 2013 yet each continued working within their own ministries/companies until their agreed to let go—ultimately leading Erin to gather a team of MTM who began creating in-house videos for the MT such as ITV instructional videos (that later formed the foundation for the IT Course on RMIOU) and then creating social media content.
Due to Erin being around film makers, her father, brother and sons, she passes this wisdom, knowledge and understanding onto everyone who feels called and has a passion for film and using this form of communication, e film, encouraging film to “Record the Vision” becoming an Encouraging Woman.
'RECORD the vision and INSCRIBE it on tablets [phones and computers], that the one who READS it may RUN. For the vision is yet for the APPOINTED time; It hastens toward the goal and it will not fail. Though it tarries, WAIT for it; For it will certainly come, it will not delay.’” H22
1 hr
19.99 US dollars1 hr
19.99 US dollars1 hr
19.99 US dollars